Prefix free fix – Webinar Replay

Unlock Literacy Success: Replay of the Word Cracker Webinar on new features and Literacy Intervention. We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to watch the replay of our recent webinar, where we delved into the extensive features and functionalities of Word Cracker, an essential tool for enhancing literacy through morphological intervention. Hosted by Bill […]

-ic Endings Add ‘k’ Rule

This is a tricky spelling rule because you need to be familiar with a number of rules for it to make sense. When words end with -ic, and we add a vowel suffix that begins with e, i or y, we need to add a k. e.g. panic+ing becomes panicking. Preceding this, we recommend kids […]

Word Cracking terminology

Defining the common terms you’ll see in the Word Cracking Resources In this article, we glossarise the common morphological terms you will see in the Word Cracker manual, other blog posts and videos and on the Online Word Cracker. Before we dive in, we had better explain (for newbie word nerds) why we bother teaching […]

Morphology and Spelling

Morphology and its relation to Spelling Why, when, and how to incorporate it in literacy teaching. In this article, we are going to examine the role of morphology in relation to spelling, the nemesis of many a student! We will consider its helpful role in developing spelling skills [the why we should utilize this valuable […]


Teaching the world’s most common suffix The suffix  ‘s’  joins suffix ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and its partner in crime suffix ‘es’ to make up a whopping 65% of all suffixed words. So let’s have a look at how to teach this suffix well, including some background grammatical knowledge that can also be taught while teaching this […]


The student(s) can be introduced to: It is also useful to teach suffix ‘ible’ at this point. NOTE: P… This page is for members only. If you want to check it out, it’s only $4.99 for the first month. For access to everything!


The student or students are introduced to the consonant suffix: The s… This page is for members only. If you want to check it out, it’s only $4.99 for the first month. For access to everything!


The student or students are introduced to the vowel suffix: The suffi… This page is for members only. If you want to check it out, it’s only $4.99 for the first month. For access to everything!


The student or students are introduced to the vowel suffix: The stude… This page is for members only. If you want to check it out, it’s only $4.99 for the first month. For access to everything!


The student or students are introduced to the consonant suffix: The s… This page is for members only. If you want to check it out, it’s only $4.99 for the first month. For access to everything!