The Word Cracker© Magnet Board (595x420mm) is a versatile, steel-constructed board for hands-on morphology lessons. This durable set includes 18 magnetic prefix tiles, 18 suffix tiles, and 17 root tiles, allowing students to create over 500 words by combining these morphemes. Additional blank tiles are included, and the board can be written on with a dry-erase marker, making it a limitless tool for exploring word formation. Ideal for classroom and small group instruction, the Word Cracker© Magnet Board is the ultimate interactive manipulative, enabling students to visually and tangibly understand how prefixes, suffixes, and roots come together to form meaningful words.
Included While Stocks Last
The Word Cracking Teacher manual by Sally Andrew and Bill Hansberry contains 150 high-colour pages of easy-to-follow lessons for teaching affixes, roots, spelling rules, revision activities, consolidation games, diagnostic dictations and whole class vocabulary-building activities. The generous appendix contains all you will need to create the games and other resources to make teaching morphology fun and engaging.
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